

Anyone who has interest can be consulted by BELVI about the following:

  • opportunity and way for a user to be power supplied;
  • sequence of actions starting from the designing and ending with the putting into operation of an energy site;
  • using of concrete innovations in the operation of electrical equipment;
  • analysis of the status and ways to improve the work of electrical equipment and installations;
  • consumption of electricity and ways for the same to be reduced;
  • new technologies and materials in the field of electricity production and construction of electrical facilities.

Provided by Machines Services

BELVI provides services with the help of the following machines and transport means:

  • cherry picker /17 m и 26 m/;
  • truck crane /up to 10 t/;
  • concrete truck /up to 5 m3/;
  • combined excavator;
  • mini excavator;
  • truck with crane;
  • freight motor vehicles /from 3,5 t to 24 t/

Electrical Laboratory

In order to be able to guarantee the quality of the fulfilled projects in respect of the successful putting into operation with the respective documents, BELVI has a laboratory and can provide most modern services in this regard:

  • finding of cable damages up to 35 kV
  • testing device for electrical equipment up to 35 kV;
  • measuring of the earth resistance.



BELVI provides out of warranty and regular maintenance of:

  • power substations – regular checkup and repair of power circuit breakers, power transformers, complete power distribution systems /CPDS/, low-voltage boards, cleaning of electrical contacts, changing of damaged equipment
  • substations – repair of grounding and lightning protection installations, regular checkup of regional lighting, starting-up and adjustment works.
  • lighting systems – finding of damages of the cable network, repair of street lighting poles, replacement of defective equipment and lighting sources .
  • Internal installations of industrial and domestic buildings – finding of cut off cables, testing of the electrical installation, regular checkup of power distribution boards, light fixtures, junction boxes, switches and plugs.